To: the Archduke Rudolph
Vienna, 1813

Anderson v1 pg432 - letter #445

Your Imperial Highness!

        Neither presumption nor a belief that I could intercede for somebody nor a desire to boast of some special favor bestowed upon me by Your Imperial Highness impels me to put forward a request as simply as in itself it is simple – Old Kraft came to see me yesterday – He wonders whether it would not be possible for him to be given a lodging in your palace.  He said that in return for this privilege he would be at Your Imperial Highness’s disposal whenever you required it.   He told me that he had now spent twenty years in Prince L[obkowitz]’s household, that for a long time he had received no pay and that now he had also to leave his lodging without receiving any compensation – The plight of this poor, old and deserving man is hard and I would certainly have been guilty of callousness had I not made bold to put his case before you – Count Troyer will ask Your Imperial Highness for a reply – Since it is a question of relieving the difficult situation of a human being, I know that you will forgive Your Imperial Highness’s loyal and obedient servant

                                                                                                    Ludwig van Beethoven